Who We Are

Iron Point Partners is a leading private equity firm targeting investments in real estate and other real assets throughout North America and Europe.

Since inception, and as of June 30, 2024, Iron Point has raised $3.0 billion in equity capital commitments.(1) Iron Point pursues a thematic investment approach across numerous commercial real estate property types and specialty asset classes.

Our Investments

Data Centers



Medical & Life Sciences

Multi Family


Self Storage

Senior Housing

Single Family Rental


Our History

Prior to forming Iron Point in 2007, our founding principals managed real estate investment vehicles on behalf of the Robert M. Bass family.

Iron Point’s family office heritage continues to shape our culture and guide our investment philosophy. We pride ourselves on our thematic, value-oriented investment approach that we pursue in partnership with what we believe is our network of best-in-class joint venture operating partners, and our high-quality institutional and family office limited partners.






Approximate Average Years of Senior Investment Experience




Investment Vehicles to Date


Year Founded

Responsible Investing

We seek to serve the interests of the communities in which we invest, our investors, and the members of our team.

Iron Point believes that the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into our operations will help improve our investment decision-making process. We are dedicated to the appropriate examination and management of ESG risk factors and opportunities, and we believe that good governance and transparency are important factors in fulfilling our fiduciary duty. As a PRI Signatory, we endorse the United Nations-supported Principles of Responsible Investing.

Signatory of:


Important Information

Information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security. SEC registration does not imply any level of skill or training or approval by the SEC. The content contained on this site is provided to users “AS IS” without an express or implied warranty.

Nothing on this website is intended as marketing of any fund in the United Kingdom or any member state of the European Economic Area within the meaning of the Directive 2011/61/EU on Alternative Investment Fund Managers.

The Iron Point Partners investment management firm currently manages equity capital through various discretionary private equity funds, the Iron Point Real Estate Partners funds. “Iron Point Partners” and “Iron Point Real Estate Partners” are service marks of Iron Point Partners, LLC. © 2022 Iron Point Partners. All rights reserved.